Boundaries and History

Neighborhood Boundaries

The following boundary information is provided for informational purposes only. Please reference the City of Atlanta’s Property Information Service to lookup an address to determine the address’ officially recognized location and applicable zoning and land use classifications. For purposes of Adair Park Today Membership, this Service is utilized to validate residential and business locations within Adair Park.

The City of Atlanta’s official boundaries for Adair Park comprise approximately 209 acres of land, bordered on the East and North by GA Routes 14 and 154 (Lee St SW / W. Whitehall St SW / Peters St SW), the East by US Route 41 (Northside Dr / Metropolitan Pkwy), and the West by the Atlanta Beltline.

A Historic District is established within the neighborhood boundaries, comprising approximately 161 acres of land, and indicated on the map below by the purple line. The Historic District comprises primarily residential property, while the areas to the north and south of the Historic District are commercial. Please note that all construction and development within the Historic District must comply with Historic District Ordinances.

The following Google Map indicates the locations of the Adair Park Neighborhood Boundary and the Historic District Boundary.


The Neighborhood history section is currently under construction. If you have historical photos you would like to share, or if you would like to contribute or edit the written narrative, please contact Elise Blasingame.

Architectural and Development History

The City of Atlanta Department of City Planning publishes a history of the development and architectural history of the neighborhood. This history was utilized for purposes of establishing the Adair Park Historic District.